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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
16th July 2011
Windsurfing: Broad Haven
Wind Direction: W - SW
Wind Stength: 3-4
Surf / Sea State: Wavy
Air Temperature: 16C
Sea Temperature: ok
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Over in W Wales for the weekend with Nigel P & Adrian J on the basis of an excellent wind forecast - albeit rainy.

Bizarrely, although the sea was covered in whitecaps, by the time I'd rigged up my new 5.5m Rock, there was very little wind on the beach. As it was dead onshore, with some powerful waves I never got far :(.

After an hour or so, I gave up, rigged up my old 6.2 & tried again. It was no better. Also, this sail's a bit too big for my 86l wave board (the biggest board I took with me). However, the wind had swung a bit further to the S; in theory making it a bit easier to get out. In practice, the wind had dropped further, there was always a wind hole where you needed to clear the last breaking wave to get out the back, and then I was back in the rinse cycle.

However, the sun shone & it was a fabulous day in fantastic surroundings.

We stayed at the YHA in Broad Haven - highly recommended.
Toys Used:
Fanatic Goya Wave 86 86l
Tushingham Vulcan 6.2m
Tushingham Rock 5.5m
Tushingham Primal Wave C45 450
Tushingham Wave/Freestyle/Freeride 430
Neil Pryde Full Carbon Wave 150-198
Select X1 25cm Wave
Neil Pryde UXT26 extension 26cm
Boge Deck plate/UJ #3 



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